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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problems with Wheels chunking up...

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I just had two Factory Halo wheels, 72's, chunk up on me after about 5 skates, and all of them have been pickup, so nothing over 80% intensity. They were both the second 72mm wheel and they chunked at the same time. Now, my skate is also slightly falling aparet which I think contributed or straight up caused these wheels to chunk. Part of the outsole, the underside in the front, is peeling away. Unfortunately, our digicam is broken so I can't show you, but I wanted to see if anyone else had issues with the same wheel(s) on both sides chunking up prematurely and how it happened. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, cuz I got my parents to spring for a half set of Rink Rats because of it... :blink:

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first skate a had with the wheels on my d2c's(labeda millenium pros) starting chunking. I called labeda, and they said they would send me a replacement set, and almost 4months later no wheels. Its not the that i dont have wheels, its just when a company sends something they should follow through with it

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I'm going to talk to the guy at the rink who deals with their reps about a warranty, but I'm more concerned with finding out what exactly caused this, cause I don't think my stride is THAT jacked up...

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Haven't contacted Factory yet, gonna talk to the rink rep first. And I've only played on sportcourt and flightdeck. I fyou don't know what flightdeck is, it's the surface they use at RollinIce in San Jose...

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Part of the outsole, the underside in the front, is peeling away.

If the outsole is not actually making contact with the second wheel, I would be surprised if that is the problem. Unless your chassis is also cracked and the front wheel does not take any load, or you have a rocker style chassis which can make the "second wheel" "the first" under certain conditions.

Maybe a "blem" ...it happens to all the manufacturers. If it is a "stress" failure from skating, it might be more likely to see the front wheel fail first(exceptions noted above). It typically takes the most load when you finish your stride, and all your weight can be on that wheel alone.

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I know that, but the second 72 on both skates is tearing up; one is completely chunked up, and the other is on its way, entirely too soon.

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I broke 2 72mm Red Star Stilleto's in succesive games when me (as a dman) got run over at the blue line and it just ripped a chunk out of the front wheel each time. I play on smooth concrete, I think the fact that there was too much grip caused the wheel to rip upon impact with the other player.

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I know that, but the second 72 on both skates is tearing up; one is completely chunked up, and the other is on its way, entirely too soon.

What kind of chassis, and are the front wheel bearings shot? That could also acount for the second wheel tearing up. However we had some RR wheels do the same thing, one on the second wheel and one on the third wheel....just bad wheels....factory gave us some new ones right away.

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