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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Talk

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It wouldn't surprise me if some people in positions of influence would like to implement some of these ideas. It's little different than the countless occasions where "need to know" was the rationale used; i.e,, you and I are too feeble minded to handle this information, but those dispensing the NTK are better equipped to make wise decisions.

I've seen articles in the past about a National ID card, and I could see how some would love to be able to track us -- all in their interest of national security. But the "Amera" doesn't make much sense, especially if some of the drivers of these ideas are the major capitalists of our society. I don't see the financial benefit of effectively merging our economy with a country whose GDP is one-tenth of ours -- especially (and I don't mean this cruelly) when we benefit by the influx of their impoverished citizens into our country.

Here's a question, however. How bad would it be if this came to pass? Who knows? It could Big Brother watching our every move, or it could be business as usual, with your ID Card replacing your driver's license and credit card. If it were Big Brother, I think a lot of of people would rather die on their feet than live on their knees. If it was just the ID Card replacing the wallet and you had virtually all the liberties you currently have -- as long as you don't break the laws, which we'll argue don't become BIg Brotherish -- then it's something to be wary about, but not necessarily a non-starter.

That said, how could this possibly come to pass -- a world order and world government -- when we have scores of religions? In certain areas of the world, the true power is in the religious leaders, not the governments. I don't see them acquiesing.

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