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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Men's league hockey in Southern Maine

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I'm moving to the Portland area at the beginning of next week-- working in Biddeford, living, for the time being, in Ocean Park, and I was wondering what the options were for men's league and pickup skates in the area. I've visited the webs sites of most of the local rinks and am aware of most of the open stick/pick up times and I've seen most of the listings for men's leagues.

I guess I'm wondering about all the stuff that's not out there on the web-- I skate with a number of groups where I am now who buy ice time, say, once a week throughout the season, you show up, half the people wear dark, the other half white, etc.

Also, which open sticks are the best-- I know in Hooksett NH, people show up at the MWF open sticks, but not Tues. and Thurs.

And you may as well add to the list the best places to get your skates sharpened, that kind of thing. I should say that I'm 38, played high school hockey and have played in both A and B leagues in this area (Upper Valley VT/NH. I'm a firm believer in good sportsmanship on the ice, just playing good hockey without all the tough guy b/s.

I try to play 2-3 times a week at least. I'm getting less excited about really late night skates, too, as I get older..

Any help and/or contacts would be much appreciated.


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