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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission boss skate sizing ?

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i heard that the new mission skates go buy ice skate sizing ? is that true or is it still the same shoe sizing ?

i dont wanna spend 550 and find that i bought the wrong size

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I could be wrong but I don't think Mission inline have ever (at least for a long time) used shoe sizing, I have always bought them a few sizes smaller than my shoe size. If you look through the last few pages of the 2008 Mission thread I think someone asked about sizing there but I don't remember exactly what was said.

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Inlinewarehouse... they don't charge a restocking fee, I think, and they have some sort of shipping dealy going on.

And various others will tell you:

"Dude, just go get sized at your LHS. Support your local store!"

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