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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Windows Vista problem

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Just installed Vista last night. Now my slide/ scroll feature on my mouse/ finger pad on the laptop does not work. I went into the mouse options, but there does not seem to be anything that addresses this feature on the mouse. It still works to go to the right side of a page and use the "slider", but I used to be able to apply pressure to the right side of my pad and slide up and down to scroll. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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what kind of laptop do you have? go to their website, look up drivers for your model computer (typically under something like downloads, or support->downloads). Once you find the various drivers, download and run the EXEs for the mouse drivers.

especially if you did a clean install... an upgrade should have left it.

but that's going to be your only bet.

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