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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boston Tour Dealers?

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Anyone know of any LHS in or near Boston that sells Tour skates? or just any LHS that has a good inline skate selection?

I know alot of you guys buy gear online, but I refuse to buy anything I haven't tried on.

Thanks for the help

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when I called up Zwickers in Bedford the other day, they listed Tour as one of their brands. I am going to them to replace my Tour Code 1's that are killing my ankles. There just doesn't seem to be enough padding on the inside ankles and it's getting worse every time I skate. I'm looking into getting a vapor boot os some kind and having them swap my humm'r chassis to which ever boost feels comfy.

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Zwickers is a Tour dealer but their inline stock is very limited. They can order any skates you need and the service before and after is top rate. I spoke to someone there today and asked them if they could expand their inline offerings. There are plenty of inline players looking for a shop with a good selection.


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