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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone use these?

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After taking a low, blistering shot off the lower half of my Fuel 85 shin pads, I have decided to change pads - ouch.

These DR models are going for a pretty good price on ebay - I can't seem to find any local dealer that carries them - odd, considering I live in Quebec. Anyway, would just like some input on them from anyone with experience - do they take the sting out of shots - I am a shot-blocking winger, and I usually get a few in the lower leg per game. The Missions fit well, and have good coverage up high, but the bottom half of the shin is pretty close to the plastic shell.


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I have used the DR for a couple of months now and they are tanks. I play defense and have no fear of blocking shots with the pads on. They are not the lightest pads, but if thats not a concern, I would highly recommend them.

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If you like the fit of the Mission pads I humbly suggest you try the Itech 990 Elites. I'm a stay at home D-man and I block a ton of shots... These guys really do the job. Some people may consider them a bit bulky but they fit my style of game.

You can usually find last year's model online and on eBay for like 50 bucks but the new version only has minor changes and sells for twice that.

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I agree with Foolboy, I used Itech Kinetix 8's for a while and they were made out of concrete -- bulky and huge but I could take shots point blank and not even feel anything.

Since I moved to mostly roller I decided they were a bit overkill and moved to Rbk 4Ks which I've really enjoyed also, lighter but still keep whatever "sting" a shot may have away.

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