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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MBA Implants for the foot

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Very interesting... are you considering having this procedure done?

I suffer from the same problem judging by your previous threads. I've gotten orthotics but it still does not completely take care of the problem. I don't know if I would resort to surgery though.

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well heres the thing, I have flat feet, my doc says that this is not the issue really since I always had it and never really had a problem, ever since I got hurt, my foot rolls in and this has caused my foot to be unstable, he says its most likely because I damaged my Tibial Tendon... After 3 sets of orthotics, this doc tells me that they wont help because I now Overpronate as opposed just pronating so a simple orthotic does not stablelise my foot...

So this is what he proposes, he sais that my feet are flat because of my achiles tendon being too tight, now he sais that my other foot is fine for now because nothing else is damaged, this device (MBA Implant) stabalise my foot so it could not pronate and the achilis tendon would be lenghtened to alow for a normal arch function...

I'm so discuraged that I'm ready to give up hockey all togheter but I wanted to know if anyone that plays hockey with experience with this or anything else...

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I see... I remember your leg length imbalance / back pain thread, but I was not aware that you had an injury which caused the pronation.

I'd love to find a solution to the problem as well. My right foot pronates such that my foot turns outwards. This warps my skates and inhibits me from getting on my outside edge.

I'm interested to hear about the results of this surgery as well.

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I always had pronation, no issues tho...

If you look back, I had an accident that I think was cause by skating in a warped pair of Grafs that was repared instead of replaced, the widened the holes and tried to make it work... To make a long story short, I was skating towards a corner and the blade holder shifted out, my ankle rolled in, I fell and my back took most of the damage so i tought(disk damage). Anyway I only started skating the next year, like 9 months later and it's been hell ever since, no stability in that one foot (Same foot that rolled in) so I've ever since been trying to resolve the issue because even if I skate rarely now, it still makes life hard because of the pain...

Every skate I use, My foot pronates in it no matter how tight I put it (I'm on my 8th different type of skate) I tried 3 different pairs of orthotics but they dont work because my Achilles tendon is to tight...

The implant seems like a good option even tho I don't know what level of activity I will be able to do following it, what I really want is to get my Achilles tendon fixed first and see if my foot still rolls in an orthotic... If that's the case, then i would think about doing the MBA implant...

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