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NHL Package Problems

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I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but:

I have the hockey package through Cablevision (NYC area). About two weeks ago, I started noticing some of the games weren't coming in. I thought they were being blacked out, but it kept happening. Finally, I called Cablevision customer service and they told me my signal strength was fine and they'd send someone out.

Today, the techs come and tell me everything is fine, but Cablevision is aware of a "Switchboard issue" where if too many users are watching some of the channels at the same time, some users will get booted off the channel.

Has this happened to anyone else? Before I call and demand a credit during my, what else, complaining, I want to see if this is just some lame excuse they're giving me. Anyone with this sort of knowledge ever hear about a switchboard problem?

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Ridiculous. I guess Dolan's gotta cut back on bandwidth to save money for Isiah's court fees and fines :P

No matter what, definitely call them ASAP and demand a credit. I don't care how many people are watching, there's no excuse for not being able to access your $170 or whatever it is premium package.

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I just got off the phone with them. At first the rep. said he spoke to his supervisor and that the issue was signal strength/and or splitters and that needed to be looked into. He denied even hearing about a "switchboard problem". I then told him the techs were here, checked everything and said the issue was in fact a switchboard problem on their end and that Cablevision is aware of it. He came back and said they are aware of it and they will give me a credit for the last 2 weeks.

Great, $15. He didn't say what would happen if this issue keeps occuring, which according to the reps., would.

Dolan sucks. He needs to pull his thumb outta Slats' ass and start taking care of what made him a millionaire first.

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