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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inline tournament in NW Ohio

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I'm trying to put together an adult inline tournament at an outdoor rink in bg....i am looking to see how much interest there is out there...i was trying to run some numbers and it would be around $100 to $150 a team and be ran May 11 and 12....5 to 11 man rosters....pm to let me know or leave a reply

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I would assume "BG = Bowling Green" but we all know what happens when someone assumes, makes an ass out of you and me. ;)

But depending on the age/skill level(s) I could get a team to come as I'm in Indiana.

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BG is Bowling Green....sorry about that guys...it is off of I75 about 20 mins south of Toledo....the skill level is open to anyone right now we are trying to get at least 8 teams have 2 pools and then go to a single elimination....we are keeping the cost down so we can generate more interest...

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My team consists of 18/19/20 year old guys so I don't know how that would work with the demographic kind of tournament you're trying to put together.

Also, if you wouldn't mind us playing, I'll bring it up to some of the guys and see what they think as "BG" is only about an hour and a half from where we are located here in Indiana.

If you wouldn't mind PM'ing me some more information as it becomes available, that would be great as well.

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