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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller girdle for ice

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I've been looking to try out a girdle, but the price of the synergy girdle and tackla ice girdles scares me off a bit. I was looking at some of the roller girdles and some of them seem just as protective as the ice girdles, some have plastic inserts as well. I was just wondering if you guys think i'd be protected enough wearing these as opposed to one of the ice girdles to save some dough.

i was specifically looking at these two...



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sorry to bump my own topic, but i could really use some imput if anybody here can help me out.

just figured i'd get it back up at a time when there's more people lurking around.

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I just sold one of the Mission 10000 girdles. I bought it for ice but it was too small. It seemed like it would be plenty protective for the no-check beer league I play in but maybe a little sketchy for a higher level, full contact travel league.

Nice girdle, tho. Very light.

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I use an old Easton roller girdle and a shell for no-check ice. Very light, but not much protection. Better than nothing, which is what lots of guys in my league wear.

Sometimes I think I want more protection, especially on the hips and tailbone when falling. I haven't had any problems from pucks yet.

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i got the cheapest Mission girdle and took out the foam pads and put my old cooperall pads in there. I just care about protection from the puck and the ice. I want the lightest smallest pads I can fit in. I don't play in any contact games anymore and I'm not worried about getting hit.

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