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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Call For Pricing?

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what is this crap about? is it a sales thing, hoping they'll have a better chance selling their high end commodity products if they get you on the phone? Sometimes it really pisses me off, because i like seeing the crazy prices these skates and sticks go for now, i remember regardless of what brand, their top end skate always was $399.00, roller or ice. Now it's their 2nd in line always $399. Also, off topic but i see that the only big time ice company that puts out a high end (compared with their ice line) skate is RBK with the 8k's. The new model doesn't look anything like their ice line but the old model does, is this the same exact boot just with a chassis instead of a blade... assuming they even had an ice 8k, i don't see it on hockey monkey now, and i forget?

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Has to do with something called MAP - Minimum advertised price - set by the manufacturer. If the place is caught advertising a lower price than the MAP, they risk losing that account. It's done to protect the "little guy" so that big box stores can't just blow their prices right out of the water on new stock, but some stores get around it by having you call or email for a price, since they then are not "advertising" the price they can get away with it....at least thats how it was explained to me in the past...

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thanks, that makes sense.

Also, when sites like hockey monkey have these outrageous "Reg. price" quotes like $699 for the RBK 8k inline skate followed by a "our price" $250 lower, is that basically just a made up number or does it actually resemble the MSRP?

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managing a sporting good shop has taught me a lot about this very topic. I have to agree with you. when i look at some of the online "msrp" numbers it really makes me laugh. The msrp supplied in my price guides are lower than most of these numbers. It kinda makes me mad to see how much some of these companies are trying to skew their numbers so they can totally rip off a customer.

I could go on for hours about that :) but why get all worked up over it

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