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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good blade to pair with Synergy II shaft?

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I've been using the Synergy II shaft with a Synergy II blade for quite some time now. I am not really fond of Easton patterns, however, and am looking to try out a different tapered blade.

Are there any blades out there that are light enough to be balanced with the Synergy II and also have equal to or better performance than the SII blade?

Dolomite or NBH'S xxxlite blade perhaps?

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I've been using the Synergy II shaft with a Synergy II blade for quite some time now. I am not really fond of Easton patterns, however, and am looking to try out a different tapered blade.

Are there any blades out there that are light enough to be balanced with the Synergy II and also have equal to or better performance than the SII blade?

Dolomite or NBH'S xxxlite blade perhaps?

I have used a SYN II shaft for a while and this is what I can share regarding set-ups I have tried:

The Sherwood RM9 taperd blade is VERY light and thin with a really short hosel, so my stick is amazingly light and balanced. BUT, I find the blade too weak and flimsy, and doesn't perform well for one timers or receiving hard passes IMO. But I've read others on this site that liked them, so..... I've used custom Christian wood blades and Sherwood wood taper-fit 950s, and that was a great, light set-up, but they were breaking about every 2 weeks, hence my move to the aforementioned RM9 set up.

If you can find a pattern you like, the Warrior Dolo II tapered is a really strong, stiff and light blade. A friend of mine is using one and loves it. You could also try a TPS R8 blade -- again if you find a pattern you like -- but they are expensive at around $70 each! But they are very solid and light blades. Can't help you with NBH blades because I haven't used one with this shaft.

You might want to specify what kind of blade specs (lie, curve, toe, face, etc.) you need, and then we can better help you find what you are looking for in terms of brands.

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