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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sciatic nerve

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pressure the weight of a dime can trigger the nerve to feel threatened and the nerve then calls the muscles around it to tighten to stop movements. Once the nerve relaxes it tells the muscles to relax. And that is just for simple injuries you can treat with a chiro or physio or RMT. or so my chiro told me, but she got me moving again with 5 weeks off of the ice.

Apparently being "off-balance" in your muscles and skeleton can also pull things against the nerve without injuries to discs, etc., so it's important to balance out excercise. And rest. I'm good at the resting part for 3 days a week.

Funny you mention rest. I was up till 4AM and slept in really late Sunday...then went and played. I'm sure it had something to do with it.

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Good news. Pain disappeared. Woke up this morning feeling great. Thankfully it was a minor tweak.

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I've been dealing with something very similar. Two years ago, while walking the dog, I slipped on some ice (go figure, and damn that person for not shoveling/salting). I didn't fall. Instead, I really torqued my hips bad. Pain shot down the front of my left thigh and I almost couldn't walk home. After a few days, that pain went away. However, I developed tightness in my groin, pain in one of my "boys" and the aggravating pain in the ass that you've all described. I was diagnosed with a "sports hernia" and had it repaired, along with two congenital hernias they discovered during the ultra-sound. I was off the ice for a year. I thought I would be fine after all that. But as soon as I started getting active, the pain in my ass returned. I've been to PT and I'm now seeing a physical medicine/rehab doc. I've had an injection directly in my piriformis, but all to no avail. I stretch all the time now, but some days, it just aches. My pain is restricted to my butt, and doesn't travel down my thigh (although it did early on, so maybe I'm healing, HA!). I find it's worse to sit at my desk, or drive my car. I try to keep my mind off it, but it totally sucks. I've been lucky to never have any truly chronic conditions so this is new to me. I feel for anyone going through some type of chronic pain. I hope it clears up...

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