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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Vapor XX durability

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I am thinking about getting a pair of Vapor XX skates for my last season of hockey. The thing is that I play competetive hockey, where I am on the ice for probably about 3-5 hours a week (There is some weeks where I am on for many more hours.. ie: tournaments and stuff). I skate hard and have a lot of forward flex but I weigh only 145 Lbs so do you think that these skates will turn into sneakers by the end of the year or will they still have some stiffness to them? Also, I would take excellent care of them like drying them out after every use. Thanks.

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XXs are known for not being durable. I have had my new pair for about a month, drying them off and airing out/taking footbeds out, doing everything I can, and they are in LIKE NEW condition, aside from obvious puckmarks,etc.

I usually skate 3-4 times a week, but this past week i skated about 15 times, so they are doing ok, but they aren't known for being very durable.

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Yeah, unfortunately, I also know that they're known for being undurable. However, I am happy to hear that by taking good care of them like that, that it actually helps keep them in like new condition.

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