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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 800c questions

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I have some Easton 800c's (size 8) sitting in my garage. I know they can be heat-molded (something like 4 min at 200 degrees), but can they also be widened at all given their composite construction?

Also, if I wanted to replace their holders with t-blades, what size would they take? Would this be hard to do on my own - what tools would I need?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before - I couldn't find these in a search. Any advice would be great.

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To answer the first question, no I don't think they can be widened since the material is composite. I think the baking is more for the foam in the ankle, but that being said I have a pair and I didn't need to bake them. Another thing I think I read here that Heat Molding is included to compete with the fact that Bauer and Rbks also have heat molding, in otherwords it isn't a feature that Bauer and Rbk would have over Easton skates.

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To answer your second question with regards to T-blades/new holders.....that is better left to the professionals. Go to your LHS and ask them to order your new holders and have them mount them on there for you.

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