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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1. International DareDevils-Cup

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Hello Guys,

the DareDevils Mannheim (Germany) holding up there first intern. tournament. Would be great if some teams or players from this forum would come and play.




DareDevils Easter tournament 2008

Therefore, we now invite you as follows:

Friday/Saturday 21st /22nd March: First and Second league level

Entry fee: EUR150,-

Sunday 23rd March: Third and hobby league level (from 16 years)

Entry fee: EUR100,-

Monday 24th March: youngster teams (from 10 to16 years)

Entry fee: EUR100,-

Closing date is Sunday 9th March 2008.

We are looking forward to receive numerous registrations.

Field: 25 x 50 Meter, original Sportcourt

Game device: Puck

Regulations: FIRS

Time: 2x 20minutes stopped

Arrival: At own expenses.

We gladly help you to find an appropriate accomodation.

Prize money: First and Second league

1. Place: 300,- Euro 2. Place: 200,- Euro 3. Place: 100,- Euro

Third and hobby league

1. Place: 150,- Euro 2. Place: 100,- Euro 3. Place: 50,- Euro


1. Place: 150,- Euro 2. Place: 100,- Euro 3. Place: 50,- Euro

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