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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wicked Light ... gloves

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So I have been wearing these Mission wicked light gloves that I picked up several years ago and absolutly love to this day. They have a three finger design that combine the pinky and ring finger together in one. They're super light and have a flared cuff that allows more wrist flex and they look pretty damn cool too. Problem is the palm has worn a large hole in it and Ive been looking around for a replacement pair and sure enough, no way. I can't even find a pic on google picture search to show you guys what they look like.

Anyone know if these are around?

And if not, is there a place that can sew in a new palm in a pair of gloves??

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I've had a pair since about a year after they came out (anyone know what year that was?) I bought a pair of the he7500's last year and within a week or two the gussets and palms split on all the fingers. So, i went back to my wicked lites. They really are a great glove. Looking at fixitbymail.com, do you think they would be able to repalm them since they have those seamless fingers?

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