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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Kids From Bathurst High School

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As some of you may know, a terrible accident took the life of some young kids from Bathurst High School. They were comming back from a basketball game in Moncton. The last things those kids did was doing the thing that they loved the most. For us it's hockey, for them it was B-Ball. Just to remember those kids who unfortunatly passed away, I would suggest that you might wear red and white at work or school tomorrow (the official colors of the Bathurst High Phantoms). Working in schools at this moment and living about 3h away from Bathurst, I can say that this tragedy hurts us alot. Flags are a half staff and we took a minute of silence today at 2h to mark the begining of the ceremony. We all at some time, especially if you live in northern US or in Canada, drove a distance in the rain, the snow, etc... to go play a game, this event will make us think twice before doing so and please be more carefull in the future, you might just never know. Thank You

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