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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wet Sport Court

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So i live in south georgia. Our rink is sport court on top of a slab of cement. One end of the slab is slightly lower than the other. The rink doesn't get wet from the rain, but the water on the slab all goes to the lower end, under the sport court. We believe what is happening is that water then condenses on top of the sport court in that corner, making it impossible to skate behind the goal line without wiping out. I was thinking maybe putting oil dry or kitty litter under the floor, but then i don't think the water would evaporate back out of either of those substances.

Has anyone had any similar problems, or any possible suggestions?

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With being cost-efficient I would almost try the cheapest methods first. The concrete could have possibly sank over time causing the drainage to be hindered. If that's the case then youre going to have to find a way to get the water out effectively. I wouldn't go the kitty litter way. Vapor barrier like buddy said is a better choice first. You can get polycarbonate sheets from home depot relatively cheap too. Tack those down and trry it. If not I dont know what to tell ya.

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Do you just tack the barrier to the bottom of the sport court? BTW its outdoor sport court.

Dante, it's in Tifton GA. You probably haven't even heard of it. The program used to be of a decent size, but basically when my age group went off to college, the program died.

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Do you just tack the barrier to the bottom of the sport court? BTW its outdoor sport court.

Dante, it's in Tifton GA. You probably haven't even heard of it. The program used to be of a decent size, but basically when my age group went off to college, the program died.

Just like in home construction, lay it ontop of the concrete/floor bed under your sport court. There is also a UL approved vapor barrier seam tape that should be used for your seams. Then just drop your tiles back down and you are good to go.

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The deck that I play at (indoors) is seriously wet any time it rains outside. Outside of the vapor barrier, would something like Thompsons Water Seal help along with the vapor barrier to help keep the water on the deck down?

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