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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Intake..Sizing

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I wore a large 5000 and then switched to a large intake so your best bet it the medium. how far open do you have the medium. I beleive there is a bit of overlap between the largest small setting and the smallest medium one.

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Hey there. I also wear a medium in Nike bauer and my Mission Intake is a size large. Tried the RBK 8K in medium and it was also too small.

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Obviously your best bet is to go to the LHS and try the different sizes on. I wore a medium NBH helmet and the Medium intake fit me, although it was a bit too wide. I opted to buy the RBK 6k helmet in the end, but the intake is a great helmet too.

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I wore a medium CCM Pro HT892, I have the Intake now in a small. I originally had a medium in the smallest fit but then went back and got a small and wear it in pretty much the biggest fit, great helmet and extremely comfortable. Totalhockey.net has for on sale $60 I think, still a pretty good selection

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