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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Received my RBK 9K skates yesterday

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I got these from Perani's website for a $329 steal. Unfortunately I have to live with the white trim because I needed size 7E. I needed to replace my One90 (EE width) because of pain in my feet when the skates are nice and tight. I realized that in the Bauer's, when the laces are tight they are clamping down on the top of my feet (hence, the boot is too shallow for my feet).

I was concerned that the 9K heel would be too wide, but it is just a hair-width too wide, which will be nothing because my feet swell when I start skating. This boot is much deeper, so when the laces are clamped down they are not touching the top of my feet. This skate is very comfortable and just slightly heavier than my One90, which is no big deal.

I know that these can be baked. Does anyone know what the temperature and bake time should be? The documentation that came with them gives no info and Reebok's website has no info on baking as well.



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I know that these can be baked. Does anyone know what the temperature and bake time should be? The documentation that came with them gives no info and Reebok's website has no info on baking as well.

Try them out before baking them, my 9K's were great right out of the box

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Same here - I never had my 7k's baked, and never had problems. Switching to waxed laces and trying some different pressures in different areas have even allowed me to not use the pumps at all and still have a pretty good lock, in spite of having narrower ankles.

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I also picked up a pair of the 9k's for the clearance price.. I'm not sure what to think about them yet, right out of the box it seems like they might have some pressure points on them. at first, I was thinking the ankle was too narrow, at least compared to my nicely broken in Vapor XXV's, and I also feel like the boot isn't as deep as my vapor, in fact when I lace them in hard, I almost get lace bite feeling, luckily for the lace locks, I could probably not have to crank them too tight in the lower and keep that ankle nice and cranked. Not sure when these will hit the ice because right out of the box, I feel a bit disappointed, especially since I was expecting these to feel like my old pro tacks.. so until I decide I'm not going to return them, they will remain unbaked and unsharpened.

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I'm sure they do it with any skate, but I bought my 9k's from their website as well. They dont seem to be organized very well, but I live in Jackson and Ann Arbor said they would bake them for me no problem. I didnt think of skating in them 1st though.

Edit:In Michigan

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how dose the width compare to that of the Bauer one90 EE?

The 7E width on these 9K skates seems to be exactly the same as my 7EE One90 skates, except in the heel. The 9K 7E heel is a hair wider.

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how dose the width compare to that of the Bauer one90 EE?

The 7E width on these 9K skates seems to be exactly the same as my 7EE One90 skates, except in the heel. The 9K 7E heel is a hair wider.

Sounds like your fitment issues on the One90's compared to the RBK mirror my situation I had. I never purchased the One90's, but they were too shallow for my foot, but the width in their 9EE was very similar to my 9E's in the RBK 7K. The depth, comfort level with the padding, and the non-pinching at the top of the boot of the RBK's were the selling factors for myself on the RBK's.

Glad to hear that they are also working out well for you.

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I noticed last night that near the bottom edge of the tongue there was a small CCM label. I guess they give some skate parts to RBK.

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try skating without using the lace lock, i found it gets rid of the lace bite problem, and you actually end up having a bit for forward movement, which i personally like since i skate with a deep knee bend.

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