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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 1500 skate and tuuk LS2?

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I am looking for a new pair of skates and was interested in putting a pair of LS2 on some easton 1500 synergys. ive never transferred a chassis/holder on any skates.(if that makes a difference)

would this work? would it be worth it?

just lemme know what you guys think.

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Ive had it done twice and I have a pair of Heatley's 1500 with LS2. So yes it is possibe, but the shop needs to drill new holes for the holder in the boot.

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Easton's razor holders match up with tuuk custom+, and LS2s will only need widened holes to fit on there.

If you've never done it yourself before, it's highly recommended to have a reputable shop do the install for you, especially with the composite outsole.

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