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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying a stick

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So I've been using junior Z-Carbons with a Forsberg pattern for about two years now. Unlike many of the other sticks I've tried, I've gone back and purchased more Z-Carbons when the previous ones broke. There isn't anything too terribly unique about them for me, I'm just comfortable using them. Unfortunately, Easton quit making the Forsberg pattern in the junior Z-Cabons, so I kind of have my hands tied.

Being that I've been a wood stick guy for a bit now, I'd like to try to go back over to the one-piece sticks. I've been hesitant to do that though because of the lack of feel that one-piecers tend to have.

I need to move to an intermediate flex stick with a Modano/Forsberg type pattern, but I need some suggestions as to where to go. Sorry for the monologue, but I'd appreciate everybody's thoughts.

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when you say Z Carbons, you mean the wood stick with composite blade, right?

Try it the other way around- Composite shaft with wood blades.

The blades won't last as long, but puckfeel should be even better than the Z Carbs, and the composite shaft will be more consistent than the wood.

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If you can find them anymore....the blue CCM vector Stuart curve was pretty darn close to a forsburg pattern. Here is a couple Interm. and Jun. Vectors.



Also here is some Junior z-carbon blades in a forsburg if you wanted to go with that combo.


Here are some z-carbon woodies in a forsburg.


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wow, i didn't even know that jr. zcarbons were still on hockey monkey. thanks a bunch man. i probably need to move away from the wood stick/hybrid sticks though and take a look at the one piece sticks. any suggestions?

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wow, i didn't even know that jr. zcarbons were still on hockey monkey. thanks a bunch man. i probably need to move away from the wood stick/hybrid sticks though and take a look at the one piece sticks. any suggestions?

So are you looking for junior or Interm.? What flex range as well...That could help narrow it down a little.

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hey guys, i wound up buying an intermediate one90 stick. got the pm9 malkin pattern with stick'um. had a goal and an assist in my first game with it, so i think that its going to work out well! thanks for the help.

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