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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Done like dinner

How do you store your skates?

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K2 is selling those dry packs-at least in Germany, but I heard in US too, for ski boots. Identical in blue as well. I put them in over summer...by now, while using 4-5 times a week, I dry them with my ShockDoctor blower.

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I use a boot/glove dryer that I also use for my hunting and skiing equipment. Low heat, convection style heater with 2 tubes....one for each skate. I simply drop the skates on there when I get home from my games (usually at night) and leave them on there plugged in until I leave for work the next morning....and they are dry as can be.

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Lot's of good advice here.

I remove blade covers, wipe down with barely damp cloth, pull out top two eyelets, pull tongue forward, remove super feet (hang dry), spray a little antimicrobial febreeze, then hang them upside down.

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Mine get wiped down after the skate. Blade covers go on. @ home I unlace the top 2, take out the insoles and off go the blade covers. Then hang them upside down on my equipment rack.

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I have my wife blow her hot air into my skates.

Now thats funny....

I had to chuckle.

I personally just hang em upside down in my basement. I also remove the insoles and pull the tongue down. Works like charm for me!

When they are REALLY wet, i take dry packs.


Mack is the professional at getting chuckles. I'm just an amateur.

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