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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000-vapor xxx/XXXX/one70

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Did a search, couldn't find this specific info. My foot did well with a pair of 8000s, I have a normal sized foot in terms of width but narrow heels and a high arch. Also they are two different sizes, but I buy for the smaller foot and stretch the boot that is too small for the bigger foot. Would you all say the one70 boot, the vapor xxxx, or xxx is going to offer a similar fit to the old 8000s? I'm guessing the one70? If thats the case, what do you guys think of them as comared to the performance of the 8000. There is no review of them in the review section, as speciifcally compared to 8000s.

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I'm sure other guys can explain how the fit are supposed to be but I can give you some first hand experience.

I just went straight from the 8000 to the XXXX. I figured they fit pretty similarly from what I was told and love wearing the XXXX. When I broke a holder recently and had to wear my 8000s for a game I realized I have a lot more volume in the XXXX, ie. I noticed the top of my feet were pressing up a lot on the laces of the 8000. It hurt a bit wearing them for that one game although I never had any issues with them in the past. I guess my feet just got used to the XXXX.

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I was in the same situation you were except my feet have flat arches. I went from 7.5D 8000's to One90 7.5C but I remember the Supreme 70 fitting pretty comfortable but out of your options, the XXXX fit me the best. I couldn't get into XXX's if I tried.

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