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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Cobalt Q VS Bauer One50

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I am just getting back into the sport and havent experienced the new technology.

I bought the Bauer One50 and I havent got out to use it yet. I was wondering if I should take it back and buy the Tour Cobalt Q?

Which one would be my best option?


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The Cobalt Q will be lighter, with better puck feel. The ONE50 is basically an expensive hybrid stick. See the Cobalt Q thread on here for more info...

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Thank you for your input. I went ahead and ordered one of the Cobalt Q and I am taking back the ONE50. THat thing seemed a little heavy. I think I will be a lot happier with the Tour stick.

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No problem, please post back when you get it and tell us what you think.

I'm a little OCD about sticks, having gone through more than I'd care to admit... If you have any questions, I recommend TPS sticks :)

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