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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Momentum XD shaft

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Does anyone know if you can find these anywhere? I know the new model is the RM19, however I loved my Momentum shafts and would like to find a few more. Plus they were cheaper than the RM19 by $25, which is a blade.

Otherwise how about the old sherwood taper flex shafts or the force flex shafts, had some of those and liked them to, just figured someone may have seen some somewhere.



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my local Pure Hockey (Purehockey.com) just got a ton of them in... like I stated before, they're not an e-tailer, but they've been well known to take phone/email orders. They have the Momentum XD in both standard, and tapered fit. Shocker, because they normally don't carry much Sherwood composite stuff. Downside is, they aren't much cheaper than the RM19 shaft... the XD's were priced at $119 if I recall correctly.

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Thanks, Yeah big change from the $85 they used to go for. Oh well at least someone has them.


I may be wrong... I have one, so I didn't really pay too much mind to the price. It can't hurt to give them a call/email.

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