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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Warrior blades vs. Mission

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for those of you who have purchased either of these blades, what have been some of the pros and cons about them? my experience with the checkered dolos is that they split down the middle of the blade. not sure about the missions.

any comments on blade feel? stiffness? performance? durability?

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Buy an ak27 blade. I put it with a synergy shaft and oce with an ak27 shaft and it worked great. Pretty light, durable and it performs great. Dolomite blades are ok, but i find them to chip easily when i take slapshots. Never tried the mission pro stock baldes but the m-2 and L-2 blades only fit m-2 and L-2 shafts... gai.

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There's reason for the two individual threads on these blades, each having multiple pages each in length. You don't even have to search, they're on the damn page. Read.

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