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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Belfour not worried

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Belfours message to leaf fans: "(They should) not worry whatsoever," he said. "I will take care of my back, and I will be back in action as soon as possible, winning as many games as I can and trying to lead us to a Stanley Cup.

"Have faith in me because I do. I've had back problems in the past and I've always dealt with it."

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Theo you'll have no choice but to be a Leafs fan when they sign Lindros ;) Surprisingly I'm not worried. Belfour has a bad back. Surprise surprise. I'd much rather his back be flaring up now than during the season. Hes played through his bad back before and will do so again.

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I, as a Leafs fan, am not worried at all. In a perfect world the Lock-out looms another shortened schedule and I figure the leafs are looking great. They are always in first place around 40 games or so, and the shortened schedule would lead to alot more re-coop time in the summer. Even if he is done, I have faith in the organization.

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