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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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smaller chassis on a bigger boot?

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i found a chassis ive been looking for but its a size small, im a size 10.5-11 shoe.

the frame is 9.3".

anyone ever do this or something similar? whats the effect it has and is it a terrible idea?

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Seems like that would make you not very stable and balanced. My guess is that when you try to skate you'd probably fall on your face every time you weren't standing perfectly straight up.

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i found a chassis ive been looking for but its a size small, im a size 10.5-11 shoe.

the frame is 9.3".

anyone ever do this or something similar? whats the effect it has and is it a terrible idea?

What type of frame, what kind of boot and what size boot are you mounting it on?

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labeda sensor, probably gonna put a bauer boot

What size SKATE BOOT do you where...basically your sensor small frame will fit skate size 5-8.5..If you wear a size 9 skate they would probublly fit ok but anything bigger than a 9 I dont think they would fit right...

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I wear a mission 11 now, but they're equivelent to shoe size correct? anything else that'd be like a 9 or 9.5? I've never bought a bauer or rbk boot or anything.

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I wear a mission 11 now, but they're equivelent to shoe size correct? anything else that'd be like a 9 or 9.5? I've never bought a bauer or rbk boot or anything.

I doubt a small sensor frame will fit on a Mission size 11 boot..Just go by this...if the new boot you get, no matter what brand(RBK,Bauer,Mission,tour,whatever)if it is a 9 or smaller the frame will fit anything bigger it wont...

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