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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AIM problems...

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Anyone else having any problems signing into AOL Instant Messenger? I tried my usual sign in thing, but it wouldn't connect, and then on the AIM Express on their site, it says the Instant Messaging service isn't availible. Maybe it's just my connection? Help? :unsure:

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are you also using AOL 9.0? 9.0 uses some weird firewall that doesnt reset for a couple minutes or hours after you sign off. If so, and you have a router, just pull out the plug then put it back in. Problem solved

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I have a cable modem, so I don't use AOL, just the seperate Instant Messenger. The internet works fine (obviously, or I wouldn't be here...), but my AIM's gone whacky... :( <_< . Anyone else?

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