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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM8

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im not exactly sure what piece of equipment you are referring to, but based on price and question specs im going to guess stick...if that is the case im not totally sure there is an rm8. i am familiar with the rm7 and rm9 OPS. The rm7 seems to be a really good stick (durability-wise) at that price point. the rm9, which I have used, is a very good stick as far as performance and durability. the shafts are tanks and the blades hold up fairly well (not as well as their comp replacement blades, but last pretty long) the rm9 has good feel to it as well.

hope this helps answer your semi-vague question

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im not exactly sure what piece of equipment you are referring to, but based on price and question specs im going to guess stick...if that is the case im not totally sure there is an rm8. i am familiar with the rm7 and rm9 OPS. The rm7 seems to be a really good stick (durability-wise) at that price point. the rm9, which I have used, is a very good stick as far as performance and durability. the shafts are tanks and the blades hold up fairly well (not as well as their comp replacement blades, but last pretty long) the rm9 has good feel to it as well.

hope this helps answer your semi-vague question

Yep, sorry, I was talking about the stick. My mistake.

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