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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mounting Mission Vanguards

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Anyone mounted a vanguard on an ice boot either mission or any other brand?...Was there and dremmeling involved or do the fit with no modifications needed?...If anyone has had this done pics of the skates would be helpful and appriciated...Thanks

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The vanguard chassis doesn't need any dremmeling, the only modification you might need is to drill new holes in the sole of your boot for the rivets.

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The vanguard chassis doesn't need any dremmeling, the only modification you might need is to drill new holes in the sole of your boot for the rivets.

That I expected, just wasent sure if any dremmling would need to be done...Im looking at getting a set and having them mounted on some old mission boots, just wanted to be sure...So I asume you have some, do they feel diffrent than the hi-lo set ups?

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A member here put the Vanguard Chassis on a pair of NB One90s. Check the links below.



I will be doing two ice to roller conversions soon. Mounting the Magnesium chassis on a pair of Mission Fuel AGX ice boots and the RedStar Eframes on a pair of Bauer Supremes. It should't be a problem mounting those frames unto any boot. Members here state that you have to dremel a little bit on your boots when mounting Labeda Hummers.

Good luck!

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