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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Someone pulled a prank on me....

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you guys havent played a prank until you've done what my highschool team did to our freshmen, this year a couple of our seniors used icy hot for their legs and shoulders etc. well one kid had the idea to put it on all of the freshman's cups! we all have our stuff in the same locker room and it was before any freshman showed up. so before practice they went around putting icy hot in the cup of every freshman and none of them wear boxers or underwear. so they throw them on and dont notice anything until we get out there and start skating around they started to feel it idk what was more priceless their faces, or the look on our coaches lol it was one of the funniest yet mean things ive ever seen lol

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Some one already mentioned that one.

Me and my brother were at my dads shinny hockey a couple years back. The guy was being a real ass to us, he wasn't a very happy dude.

He told us to go get wate for him, we didn;t, so my dad told us to go get it. My dad had his own waterbottle, so I wasn't worried. We went back to the DR and fill half the waterbottle up with soap. It was the most absolutly hilarious thing i have ever seen. He took a huge swig and vomited.

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Some one already mentioned that one.

Me and my brother were at my dads shinny hockey a couple years back. The guy was being a real ass to us, he wasn't a very happy dude.

He told us to go get wate for him, we didn;t, so my dad told us to go get it. My dad had his own waterbottle, so I wasn't worried. We went back to the DR and fill half the waterbottle up with soap. It was the most absolutly hilarious thing i have ever seen. He took a huge swig and vomited.

soap in the water bottle is good. im going to use that one. haha

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