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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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San Diego Area Members

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I am looking to get in contact with anyone who plays in the adult hockey leagues in San Diego, Escondido etc. I have not played hockey for several years since i left my hometown of Ventura, and it seems difficult to get on a team since most teams consist of friends who aren't looking for more players. Any help?

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I am looking to get in contact with anyone who plays in the adult hockey leagues in San Diego, Escondido etc. I have not played hockey for several years since i left my hometown of Ventura, and it seems difficult to get on a team since most teams consist of friends who aren't looking for more players. Any help?

Skate San Diego in National City. It's one of the keystone WIHA rinks and has helped form the developing WIHA adult travel league. Talk to Joe Noris.

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I'm in Clairemont, but I'm not on a league right now. Funds are a bit tight right now.

I wouldn't mind playing a few drop-ins nearby, PM me, maybe we can get to few so we'll at least know each other when we get there.

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I'm in OB. I am working on getting new equipment and will start playing in a few months.I've been down to Skate SD and they have drop in on Friday night, and maybe Monday.Give them a call and they will add you to the list.

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