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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've been playing ice hockey for all of my life, I have become the occasional roller hockey player and this summer I plan on playing a lot more roller hockey and I'm skating on some ancient missions that need to be replaced. I plan on buying some ice boots to use but I want to know everyones recommendations as far as wheel bearings and chassis. The rink I normally play at is sport court, and I would only be using the skates indoors. I weigh 190lbs. I'm looking for a set up that is good both performance wise and on my wallet. Thanks

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For wheels I would go with rink rats I use the hotshots. And as for frames I would try the Labeda Hummer frame or since you have played ice all your life the Sprung frame.

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If you're not looking to spend a lot of money, you can use the components from your current skates along with an ice boot.

What kind of skates/bearings/wheels are you currently using?

As long as the chassis aren't bent/cracked, they're reusable.

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I think i'm going to go with some sprungs mounted to some flexlite boots with some of those rocknrons bearings, does anyone have a good recommendation for a wheel and a good hardness to use for playing on sport court?

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Given your size is close to mine and my personal experience on Sprungs, the Silver Hornets (78A) are probably the best bet.

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