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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel question

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Had a few quick questions:

1) Just got new Mission blades with Vanguard chassis. I've had an old Hi-Lo set blade before, how will 72mm fit on a Vanguard? Will it wear down the 80mm faster?

2) If I get new 76mm, and put in my old 80mm, will I be able to skate with the uneven wear? Will it even out eventually?

3) How does it work if the front 76mm wheels are a softer rating than the back?

4) What are some reasonably good, cheap, soft wheels?

Thanks guys!

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1) your 2nd and 4th wheels will be off the ground, which would be very akward

2) depends how worn the 80s are, but it would surely be better that using 72s

3) thats preference, and there is nothing wrong with that. however, most guys who use different hardness combos put soft in the back or on the outsides.

4) labeda grippers, revision ghost, rink rat hotshots can be found on sale. all those run around $5-6 per wheel

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the harder wheels are for speed, so the theory is you want the speed wheels in the middle, and the grippy wheels on the outside to help with turning.

But after thinging about your setup, it might not be bad to have grip wheels in the front to help with pushing off your toe. But you may overturn and slip a little in the back when you turn stop (though that may be desireable)

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