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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Goalie Helmet?

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I just got a Bauer Reactor 3 goalie helmet. I like it a lot, my problem is I can't find ANY info on it. I can't find anything on the internet, nobody at any of the shops around here knows anything about it, it's almost like it doesn't exist!

The shop I got it from has five of them, all in various states of dustiness and disrepair (loose bolts, missing straps, dried out glue on the pads,) but nobody who works there can remember where they came from. The date of manufacture on all of them is 1999 and this shop has changed hands a couple times since then. They can't find any info in any catalogs, and since Bauer has been bought and sold since then... Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I'm giving this background because I need a new cage for it. It's a pretty narrow helmet and none of the cages I have tried work. I have looked at some kind of Olie cage and an Itech certified cat-eye of some sort.

I'm looking at a Hackva cage on ebay Right here but I don't know if it will fit. Any help?

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Not sure that there is any current cage that will fit that mask. For the life of me, I cannot recall who made them but as they are almost 10 years old that isn't a real surprise. I believe that there might be somebody with a cache of them but the name escapes me at the moment as well. Might have been the current builder of the Bauer pro masks but I'm not positive about that. You could try fitting a different cage but the level of success that you achieve will probably be all over the board.


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If your LHS's other Bauer masks are too old/out of shape to be sold, why don't you try to make a deal with them to sell you one of the bad ones for cheap? Then you could just transfer the cage. Or if you're lucky, they might even just sell you one of the cages off one of the other masks.

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