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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Shoe to Skate Size Thread

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I don't think this thread is out there yet and there seem to be tons of questions about what size skates to buy. There are plenty of references to wearing smaller skates than shoes, etc. but I was curious just how far everyone takes it.

My tragic tale is one of my skates getting progressively smaller since I began playing in 8th grade (without a clue, in size 10 Eurosports!) I have slowly learned how a skate should fit...and then probably taken the downsizing a bit far. My wife says I have Chinese Foot-binding Complex.

I have 70-some pair of shoes - all Puma, all size 9.

My roller and ice boots are 06 CCM Pro Tacks, size 6.

Is three sizes down ridiculous? What about the rest of you?

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