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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ive read a bunch of reviews on different sticks and im planning on tossing $100 at a new stick. Does anyone have a recomendation for what I should stay away from? Currenty looking at the easton synergy cs6, or something made by bauer. ( one 70 or XXX light) I havent been that impressed with bauer sticks in the past, but I still hear they are one of the best. Any help? Thanks

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last year's top of the line stick will always be better than this year's second tier stick. I'd recommend the XXX-lite over those two because it is simply a better stick and good deals can be found.

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Thanks for the feedback, ive researched tons of sticks in the last week, Its hard to find the xxx lite with the curve and flex I need, kinda sucks, that being said the one 70 seems like a solid stick, not that heavy and the vapor XVI seems solid as well. Any difference between the two? Also is the synergy SC6 a cheap version of the elite?

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Yeah there are differences between them. The difference is mostly in the taper. The supreme oneXX sticks have a shorter taper and therefore a higher kickpoint, while the vapors have a long and narrower taper for a lower kickpoint.

I really don't know about the sc6, but you're probably right, it's just lower in the synergy line

btw, where have you looked for the XXX-lites, and what are you looking for? they are definitely stil around.

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I have been looking for a 87 flex xxxlite with the closest thing I can find to the lindros curve, it seems to be hard to find both of those. Eastwesthockey didnt have that setup, what other sites should I be on?

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I emailed them for stock and price but no reply. I then called today but when I got through they were sold out. Thanks for the help. What is the major difference with kick points? I see that some have a high kickpont and some have a low kick point, what should I look for?

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depends what you want in your shot. lower kickpoints are better for quick snapshots, and getting your shots higher. higher kickpoint is better for slappers, and lower, harder shots.

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