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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help Finding Correct Graf

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I went to my LHS to try on some Grafs, but they only had a few in stock. Before I commit to ordering some, I was hoping to get some insight into which model I need. Here's what I tried on:

Ultra G35 8.5R

-Felt great except for the narrow heel.

Ultra G5 Limited Edition 8.5R

-Heel felt great, forefoot was a little tight width wise, depth of forefoot may have been a little shallow.

Ultra G70 8R

-Heel felt great, forefoot cramped, toes squashed into end of toe cap, foot popping out of boot (failed pencil test miserably).

Based on these few available skates I was able to try on, what would you recommend I try next?

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Given that the G70 is wider and deeper than the G5 and G35, your problems with that boot seem to have been entirely with length, and I'd say an 8.5R G70 is the way to go.

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