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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying a chassis (whole package)

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Im in the market for some Inlineskates. I will swap the holders on my old 8090 skates.

I checked some e-stores and i found two complete sets of chassis which just have to be mounted on my boots.

I found two versions:



CCM with 85A Durometer Outdoor-Wheels and Abec 5 Bearings.



Base with Base "Rage" Outdoor Wheels (80/72mm x 83A) and Abec 5 Bearings!

Both cost about the same. I dont need pro stuff, i just want to play some hockey. If it was ice hockey, i would just demand the top of the shelf stuff but thats just not neccessary right here.

I gotta add that im a 100% hockey player and ive never been on Rollers. They just opened a new rink here and some friends and I want to play there all summer long until season starts. I just wanna get sure that i DO NOT ruin my stride. That has always been my worry and the reason why i didnt get me rollers earlier.

Some guy told me that the chassis nowadays have the same pitch like iceskates, so i might try it.

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the conversation of ice stride vs inline stride has come up a few times, and while I believe if you can skate then you can skate both period, you might want to look into Sprungs for some peace of mind. They do mimic ice as closely as is possible with wheels, and while you'd have to buy your bearings and wheels seperately Keith has been awesome to deal with, stands behind his product and most importantly his customers. Check out the Sprungs thread.

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I gotta add that i dont wanna spend too much and i dont wanna import from the States, but i will look into that. Thanks!

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Since you're playing in a rink (assuming it's indoor) I would suggest going with a softer wheel, maybe a 76A or lower number.

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