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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ok need help again

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I just got the rbk 9's and the misson boss skates. Im triny to decide what skate I want im leaning more toward the RBK because my foot is alittle messed upa and thses fit great ( I know that the boss is a better skate ) the only problem I have is that it comes with mini bearings and i have ceramice 608 swiss bearings. The spacer in side is different and the axle doesn't fit. Now the question is -----

1- do I need a spacer

2- does anyone know if I buy the short spacer will it solve my problem.

Please someone help lol lol

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you DO need spacers, otherwise the wheels don't spin right from the bearings side loading, this is of course if you're using your ceramics. For the single axle on the 9K you'll need the floating spacers made by someone like Sonic:


If you stick with the Boss, the spacers and bearings on those is the correct setup

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I used ceramic Swiss bearings for a while and they need spacers like any other bearing. Like sdcopp said, just go with some standard bearing floaters and you'll be good to go.

Just be aware that floating spacers have more of a tendency to get boogered up than sleeve spacers. What I mean is, floaters can more easily get nicked and worn down which can inhibit the spin of the wheel. Since its "floating" around inside the wheel, there's more opportunity for that sort of thing to happen.

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