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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing inline puck pins

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Has anyone ever changed the pins out of a IDS puck, i have a few pucks i want to change the pins out of but i cant seem how get the old pins out.

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shouldnt be too difficult, just use a screwdriver to remove them.

The pucks are pretty cheap, so how much are the pins?

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3 bucks for 16

which is enough for one puck. Pucks go for $6 new, so it could be worth it if the puck itself is still in good shape.

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thats true. My experience back home is that the pins wear down really quick, since we play on pretty abrasive surfaces. I actually went to a hardware store that sold nothing but nuts and bolts, and had them get me something that was similar. Put about 6 on the puck, and the puck lasted another year or so. A little heavier, but great stuff.

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