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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Vapor X

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No. The durability is awful.

If you're looking for similarly-priced sets, the Sherwood C-5s from The Crease on eBay ($400 for pads & gloves) are a really good deal. They'll outlast and outplay the Vapor XX stuff pretty significantly, at least from what I've heard. The Itech 7.8 stuff on Goaliemonkey is a pretty damn good deal too, especially as a pad/glove set.

The thing to remember here is that brand new senior price-point gear is always going to be rubbish compared with used pro-grade gear. The price-point stuff won't play as well, won't hold up as long, and the resale value is basically zero. Used pro stuff, on the other hand, will generally last ages and will either maintain or in rare cases increase in value, if you take really good care of it. This sounds paradoxical, but it's not: if you take good care of a pair of pads, six months down the road a good set of that particular pad is going to be harder to find than when you bought it. Used to be you couldn't give away a set of Koho 580s - now, they'll typically command $400-$500 in decent condition and reasonable sizes.

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