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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission VSi to Assassins

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I finally broke down after 5+ years of abusing my old school pair of Mission roller VSi's and bought Mission Assassins. After skating on them a few times, I feel like I'm learning how to walk all over again. My biggest problem is that I feel like I'm skating on my heels the whole time I'm on the rink. The boot fits well and doesn't tear up my feet, I just feel flat-footed. I guess that the boot pitch is quite different between the 2 skates. What can I do to get back up on the front part of my feet. If the answer is new footbeds, does anyone know which one offers the most heel lift? I searched the forums and saw similar articles, but no clear cut answer.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure how different the boot pitch is, but the Vanguard frames on the assassins are more heel-pitched than the HiLo frame on the VSIs.

Both Superfeet and Shockdoctor footbeds support your arches and will raise the heel a bit. Shockdoctors will raise the heel more. The problem with using a footbed is you will also lose volume in the boot, changing the fit and possibly causing lacebite. to test how the boots will fit with the more supportive footbeds, you could cut an old pair of footbeds (from another skate or shoes that are worn out) and use only the heel portion under the heel of the footbed in the assassins. You can probably even get away with using cardboard for a bit, although once it gets wet it will be worthless, make a mess, and stink up the skates a bit. If they still fit fine and feel better, go ahead and purchase a set of superfeet or shockdoctors.

If the fit is altered too much, or they still don't feel quite right, you could also swap the chassis from the VSIs onto the Assassins, if they're still in good shape.

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swapping chassis would be your last option.

Stick with the new missions, it will take time to switch but its a good feeling after that. If you really cant adjust, then like DamnLocust said use some footbed that have a little more heel lift.

PM me if you want to try some shockdoctors... I've got some that have been used slightly that I dont need. You can have them if you want. They have a 5mm heel lift.

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Superfeet actually give a bit more in the heel lift area than Shock Dr. the Shock Dr. footbeds are a little thicker throughout whereas the Superfeet have a little more in the heel and arch.

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I bought Shock Doctor footbeds from Ice Line and I also picked up gel heel inserts from CVS. The skates feel much better now! I played last night and the changes made a world of difference. The only thing that I might change would be to put something harder under my heel, and not the gel pad. Thanks for the help all!

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