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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector 6 more volume than Vector 10

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Hi all

The Vector 6 (bluetop) fits great, I upgraded to the Vector 10 (Bluetop)

and I notice the vector 6's have more volume than the 10's

I had the 10's baked. And skated with them for a few months, They are a great skate but I feel like I'm busting out of them.

I pass the pencil test with the 6' but fail with the tens, I like the fit with the 10's I wish it had more volume, I even put in thinner footbeds(Bauer 190)

any ideas what to do, I guess I should keep the 6's

I play several times a week, is there any vector like skates with more volume


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it is probably because the vector 6 has less padding and is way less stiff due to the fact that they are designed for intermediate skaters at best where the 10 and u+ are for advanced and pro skaters.

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I currently have the Vector 10's and it takes a while before you completely break them in. i'd say it took me a good 15 ice times before i was really comfortable wearing them, so just give it a little time.

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I can't imagine that the vector 6 would have more volume than the Vector 10 as they are buildt around the same last, aren't they? :huh:

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The Vector 6 do have more volume

I had the 10's baked twice kick my foot back etc etc

It's hard to explain why, I wanted to upgrade, I can still skate with them I wish I had more volume

maybe over the summer I will see the new line coming out,

I don't like the rocket runner,

After baking the 10's are hard like rocks after 4 hard months no sign of getting any give.

Should I get E width I currently have 10.5 D

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