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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Perfect Skater" Resistance Band

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Has anyone heard of this skating harness/band thing? Its a resistance band(s) that attach to the players skates strengthening the stride..

I saw it a few months back on the perfectskater.com website, but it seems the website is no longer up.

I believe if there are videos of it being used on youtube as well..

I was just wondering if anyone had any feedback on the system or any knowledge of how to get my hands on one.

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I was a little leery to try something like that on skates.

I did however pickup the Hockey Shot leg trainer (hockeyshot.com)... it's so-so, nothing you can't do at a gym, or without bands.

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I thought they were a good product.............I met inventor at a seminar in Novi, MI with Peter Twist. I have a few extra bands. Let me know, I can ship em down to you. Be sur to pm me.

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I thought they were a good product.............I met inventor at a seminar in Novi, MI with Peter Twist. I have a few extra bands. Let me know, I can ship em down to you. Be sur to pm me.

Are you talking about the Hockey Shot trainer, or the Perfect Skater leg bands? I was actually looking for more resistance for my Hockey Shot trainer... the red band is too light.

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