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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What New Stick Should I Get?

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I am going to be in need of a new stick soon. I was using a Chris Ferraro pro stock CCM Vector 10.0 and loved it. Now I am using a SWD RM 9 with the IG PP12 pattern (Iginla Clone) and it is pretty good, but nothing compared to the pro stock. I was thinking about purchasing a CCM V10 Catapult in an Ovechkin Curve. Should I think again or go for it?

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Welcome to MSH. Questions like..."what stick should I buy" are very hard to answer. Comparisons or user experiences with one stick or brand versus another can be helpful, but just an open ended "help me pick a stick" are frowned on, because sticks are such a personal preference piece of equipment. Answers will be based on teh answerers experience, not what is right for you.

Make use of "Search" and maybe you will find more info on the specific sticks you are considering.

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